⦿ Catching Transmitted Images from Satellites
Approximately 800 kilometers above the ground is a sun-synchronous polar-orbiting satellite circumnavigating the Earth that passes over the exact ground location twice daily. It is called the Polar Operational environmental Satellites or POES.
SCAN Communicator Jun Aves, 4F9INC, his son (Lance), and daughter (Lorraine) have communicated with the three satellites, NOAA 15, NOAA 18, and NOAA 19.
Not only did they establish communication, but they also managed to capture breathtaking images from the satellite using the 'SatDump' Software and specific hardware. The quality and clarity of these images are truly remarkable, sparking curiosity and interest in this fascinating hobby.
They could communicate with NOAA-15 and NOAA-19 at 89 degrees elevation using NASA Frequencies of 137.912.500 and 137.100.000, respectively. Meanwhile, they made contact with NOAA-18 at 35 degrees elevation.