Amateur Radio or Ham Radio is a distinguishing name for using a limited radio spectrum from commercial broadcasting and professional and other two-way radio services. Frequency ranges from 144-148 MHz have become very popular in the Philippines, especially before the dawn of cellular phones and the adoption of high-bandwidth internet access. Regular hams call this […]
⦿ SCAN International and the Digital Mobile Radio (DMR)
In the early 1990s, cellular phone use was still increasing in the Philippines, while amateur radio was at the height of its trend. Amateur radio during this period was not only for emergency cases but became a hobby for many. As time went by, with the exponential growth of mobile phone development, amateur radio use […]
⦿ SCAN International in the VoIP Era
Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is a reasonably current technology. VoIP, from the name itself, is simply a voice transmission over the Internet. VoIP was made more popular by the advent of high-bandwidth Internet connections and through the growth of affordable broadband Internet access. VocalTec Communications, an Israeli telecom equipment provider, released VoIP in […]
One of the outstanding developments in the field of Amateur Radio is the founding of echolink software some two decades ago by Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD. Based on its website, EchoLink® software allows licensed Amateur Radio stations to communicate with one another over the Internet using streaming audio technology. The program allows worldwide connections between stations […]
⦿ Connecting Hams Worldwide
Once again, SCAN International enthusiasts of various modes prove their skills by joining amateur radio contests. An amateur radio contest is an event where amateur radio operators compete to make the most contacts, often within a specified time frame. Amateur radio contest is in various formats. These formats include single-operator, multi-operator, and team-based competitions. Some […]
Brother Gabby Malonzo, KF6UKB, delivers a lecture about the importance of progressive training about amateur radio principles amidst the proliferation and popularity of internet-based communications. He also highlighted the importance of maintaining an updated amateur radio license. Held at Capas, Tarlac, the conference is part of the SCAN International regular activity that aims to keep […]
⦿ SCAN Endurance Challenge 2023 | Philippine Arena Ground
PREPARE FOR THE BIGGER! Being prepared during emergency situations is one of the many duties of the Society of Communicators and Networkers or SCAN International. This is why the members of the SCAN International never cease to show their support to all the activities launched by the Church Administration such as the SCAN Endurance Challenge, […]
Introduction to Proper Two-way Radio Communication Protocol | QSO
Conversation on the air with amateur radio is called a ham radio contact of other stations. It is also called ham radio communication, exchanging relevant and beneficial information via amateur radio airwaves. In the amateur world, it is coded using the Q-Code QSO. During QSO, amateur radio operators always ponder the proper protocol or etiquette […]
The Officers and members of the SCAN International from Manitoba, Canada Chapter conducted a "Basic Law Seminar." The seminar dealt with the applicable land laws in Canada. It aims to provide full awareness to the SCAN Members to fulfill their duties without violating laws enforced within the country. SCAN Manitoba Chapter Vice President Daniel Palomeno […]
CQ Magazine September 2022 issue features our very own Elvin Apostol Jr., DVIIW, as its cover story. The highlight of the feature content describes Elvin, DV1IIW regularly hosts multi-single (multi-operator, single transmitter) contest operations from his station in the Philippine city of Antipolo, a suburb of the capital city of Manila. Using a wire dipole […]