⦿ Happy 110th Anniversary

SCAN International joins the brethren worldwide in celebrating the 110th Anniversary of the Church of Christ (Iglesia Ni Cristo). To commemorate this milestone event, the group staged different meaningful activities worldwide to showcase and continuously unveil the importance of Amateur Radio up to this century. SCAN International's central participation is the 'Amateur Radio and VoIP […]

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Ham Radio is a scientific hobby that welcomes teenagers, adults, and individuals from all walks of life, fostering a diverse and inclusive community. It can be a unique platform for teenagers and adults to delve into electronics and wave propagation, regardless of their formal education. It's a journey that builds self-confidence and discipline, essential traits […]

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⦿ Echolink on Cellphone App

The EchoLink® software allows streaming audio technology via the Internet. It will enable worldwide connections between stations or from computer to station. As a result of its development, every station can now connect through a cellphone application in both iOS and Android. Members of SCAN International are constantly encouraged to use different modes of amateur […]

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⦿ Homebrew QFH Antenna for Weather Satellites

The Quadrifilar Helix Antenna, known as QFH, is a popular antenna for ham radio hobbyists who capture weather satellite images. Its practical design resembles a spiral and helical pattern of its elements, thus enabling the magnitude and direction of electromagnetic fields to circular pattern during propagation. The unique design of QFH allows it to get […]

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Members of the SCAN organization worldwide are encouraged to take the amateur radio licensure examination to fulfill their role as radio operators. This is one effective means of keeping the hobby alive, even for the younger generations. Among younger SCAN members who appreciate the importance of having an amateur radio license is brother Lark Villanueva, […]

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